

What is Prostate?

•  Prostate problems are common in men after age 50.

•  The prostate is a gland that is a part of the male reproductive system that wraps around the male urethra near the bladder.

•  Common problems are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic prostatitis (non-bacterial).

What Causes Prostate Problem?

•  Prostate cancer is common in men over 50, especially in men who eat fatty food and/or have a father or brother with prostate cancer.

•  Prostate cancer is definitively diagnosed by tissue biopsy; initial studies may include a rectal exam, ultrasound, and assessment of        prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels

What are the symptoms of Prostate Problem?

-  A weak or slow urinary stream

-   A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying

-  Difficulty starting urination

-  Frequent urination

-  Urgency to urinate

-   Getting up frequently at night to urinate

-   A urinary stream that starts and stops

-  Straining to urinate

-  Continued dribbling of urine

-   Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing

What is treatment for Prostate Problem?

Some types of prostate cancer grow slowly. In some of these cases, monitoring is recommended. Other types are aggressive and require radiation, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy or other treatments.